The city of Milan, with its centuries of history and art, is a world-class economic and cultural powerhouse, a capital of business, fashion and design.
Milan is also a university town, with high-level teaching, advanced research in technology, science and humanities, and a large number of foreign students (about 20,000 each year) who make their own contribution to the city’s transformation, development and continuous innovation.
Milan welcome internation students during summer period with plenty of concerts, events and fabulous places to eat.
Free time activities and events organized in Milan BY Summer School Milan team will be available to all Summer School Bicocca students. ESN Milano-Bicocca will also offer the opportunity to discover hidden spot of the city through a walking tour of the City. Essential checklist of places to visit in the city must include:
© 2005-2014 Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo, 1 - 20126, Milano • tel. 02 6448 1 • Casella PEC: [email protected] • P.I. 12621570154
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