Program code
Program Duration
5 Days
25th- 29th July 2016
The first Summer School by University of Milano-Bicocca on Rough Sets is organized in collaboration with the International Rough Set Society, in particular with the Task Group on Education. The school’s aim is to introduce PhD students and researchers at the early stages of their career to the Rough Set field. Rough Sets were introduced in the early ‘80s by Prof. Z. Pawlak to deal with imperfect knowledge. Over the years, the subject has attracted many researchers and practitioners, bringing in great developments both in theory and application. They have found interaction with many other related disciplines. Thus, the school is also of interest to those working in related disciplines, such as Decision Making, Knowledge Representation, Data Mining and Big Data. The Program focuses on in-depth theory along with practical application in each of the above mentioned discipline areas. Faculty is international, who are renowned researchers and scholars on different aspects of rough sets. Program methodology is highly participative, encouraging interaction and communication between the participants and the faculty. There’ll be ample time for discussion and informal meetings for exchange of knowledge and information.
A poster session will be organized where students could present their work in the form of a Poster.
All students will be awarded a certificate of participation, based on minimum 75% of attendance in-class and all other activities associated with the program. Those interested in an official recognition of the ECTS credits should pass an exam, which may be either in the form of poster presentation or a paper submission within a period of 2 months of the completion of the program.
The Program will cover the basics and theoretical aspects of rough sets as well as its main application domains.
A total of 6 courses will be covered, of duration four to six hours each:
Davide Ciucci, University of Milano-Bicocca
Chris Cornelis, University of Granada
Dominik Slezak, University of Warsaw
Prof. Davide Ciucci
University of Milano-Bicocca
May 15, 2016
BA Degree in Computer Science /Mathematics or working background on the program topics
(to be uploaded in the application form): CV, ID card/ passport.
PhD Students, MSc students, Researchers at the early stage of their career
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